Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In the beginning

It all started about 10 years ago. I found out that I was allergic to corn, rice, dairy and eggs. Corn is in everything, so I learned to cook from scratch.  I baked bread, learned to bottle jams, salsa, and fruit and simplified the way my family ate.  No more casseroles and creamy sauces. We adopted the phrase "eat to live not live to eat." It was a departure from everything I knew.  Little did I know that I was being prepared for something bigger.

My son was having problems with transitioning to food from nursing, had bowel issues, and was always crying and sad. We made the rounds, visiting doctor after doctor trying to find answers for him. When he was three, we discovered that he was IGG allergic to wheat, dairy and eggs. (I think doctors consider IGG responses as intolerances.) He also was lactose intolerant. So, with that information, I learned to cook with barley and spelt - still egg and dairy free. So, if any of you followers have an interest in any of those grains as well, I can share recipes.  Just say the word with comments.

Things stabilized with my son for a couple of years.  When he was 7 we tested him again.  This time gluten, soy and peanuts were added to the list as well as mustard, parsley, garlic, strawberries, melons, etc.  Another son who was 4 was tested as well with similar but less severe results.  He could not have gluten, dairy, eggs or soy. All of my work with barley and spelt went out the window with that test.  I cried when I got the results.  I had to start all over again.  I didn't know where or how to begin. I felt totally helpless and overwhelmed at the prospect of feeding my family. Every gluten free cookbook I looked at used eggs and dairy. So, I made a decision. I could either sit and wallow in self pity wondering how things could or would work, or I could get to work and find solutions for my family.

Stay tuned for more...


  1. Elena gave me your blog address. We just started gluten, dairy, and soy free as well as low oxilates. Can't wait for you to post more!

  2. 3 months ago my son was diagnosed with allergens to wheat, gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame and some shellfish. it has been life changing, but he feels so much better its worth it!!! very grateful to have come across your site!! thanks for paving the way =]
